Sunday, July 19, 2009

A lunch with the ladies.

Yesterday afternoon Emma and I joined the Lewko ladies and the Hodgson ladies for a little lunch.
We were formally known as the preggo pals, so it has been fun to see our little ladies grow up.

Emma felt like such a big girl in a high chair next to Jillian. As you can tell, she was very interested in her.

Poor Rachel slept through some of lunch.

But no worries, she woke up and joined us.

Miss messy eater Jillian. I thought it was adorable how she helps stuff the food in her mouth with her hands. I don't really think that Kristyn thinks that it was very cute though.

We had to do a height comparison of Emma and Jillian.
From the looks of the picture, Emma has got a little on Jillian, so funny, because Emma is 6 weeks younger. We have got a giant on our hands!

Thank you for a lovely lunch everyone! We will have to do it again soon!

1 comment:

Lewko Family Blog said...

We had so much fun. I would love to do it again soon!