Friday, July 10, 2009

A Fabulous Friday!

Today Tía Lizzy and Jacob watched our little E while I was at work.
They hung out around their house and ran a few errands, and then off to Chuck E Cheese.
After I got off of work I met them there.

Jacob had a ball and wanted to play every game.

This was little Emma's 1st trip to Chuck E Cheese, and probably the cheapest I will ever see. Ebit bought lunch and Emma doesn't play games, so not a token was spent by us.
Thanks for lunch Ebit and thank you so much for taking care of our little E for the day!

Then we met up with the folks and headed out to dinner and to Cruisin' Grand.

Like I said, a Fabulous Friday!

1 comment:

Bob said...

Emma, I can see you next year "drivin'" the Ave!! You are getting so big, young lady! I can hardly wait to see you in about six weeks.