Monday, February 1, 2010


It's been a little while since I have posted, so I figured I better share Emma's trip to the snow with you all.

On Thursday last week, my parents took Jacob and Emma up to Palomar Mtn. to play in the snow.
These kiddos are so lucky!

Emma and Abuelita

Jacob and Emma
I am laughing right now, because poor little Emma's hat is on backward and she can only see out of one eye.

Jacob even brought home some snow to throw snowballs at us.

Thank you Abuelita and Papa, Emma had a fabulous time!

1 comment:

Bob said...

Emma - you look just darling in your snow hat. I think you have more snow in Southern California that we have here in the Pacific Northwest. Rose Mary - don't you let Marie tease you (too much). I think it is wonderful that you take them to these places!! I am sure they enjoy it as much as you do!!!