Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I turned my back for one second and...

someone decided to dump out all of Rey and Corona's food.

I was folding clothes in the guest room and Emma was picking up pieces of cat food from one bowl and putting them in the other. Not ideal, but it was keeping her entertained. I turned my back and then I hear her banging the bowl on the tile and then pouring it all over.
Well, at least she wasn't eating it!

So instead of stopping her right away, what did I do? Well grab the camera of course.

She is such a cute little trouble maker.


Tim and Heather said...

I am surprised she didn't eat it because cat food looks a lot like puffs!

Bob said...

Oh - you are so right. She is VERY cute!! I am sure that as she grows older we'll all wish the only trouble she got into was the cat bowls!!! You go girl - go and grow. Live, love and laugh!!! Miss you so very much.

Val said...

Cute:) At least it wasn't cat litter, that would've been worse! So excited that we get to see her in a week!