Sunday, February 15, 2009

Snow day videos

So here are the videos that I promised.

Jacob also made his very own snow angel.  There isn't anything really exciting in this short clip, but he is pretty cute.

My mom is a crack up.  She loves to have fun, and sometimes I feel as though she is still a big kid at heart.  I also love how at the end of the video, Jacob runs after her to check on her.

Ok, so my video is really embarrassing!!!  I HATE seeing myself on video, but I had to post this because it makes for a good laugh.  I almost ate it on such a tiny little hill.  Imagine what would have happened if I went down a real hill.

P.S. I know I may look like an idiot because I have no gloves, but I was a nice Aunt and let Jacob wear my gloves.  Apparently he liked mine better.

1 comment:

Bob said...

You didn't llok bad at all. The round sled just needed to be a little longer and narrower and you would have snow-boarded down!!

Tell Jacob i loved his snow angel and I'll bet it is still looking out after him.