Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The things 3 year olds say...

So this past Sunday at church Jacob had me cracking up! I couldn't control my laughing, which is so inappropriate at church. Good thing we are still sitting in the crying room with the other kids!
Jacob was walking past me and looked up, I wish everyone could have seen the look on his face! He looked at me like he wanted to tell me, ease up on the sweets Tia Ree, your belly is huge!
He did later ask me very concerned "where's baby Emma?" I explained, as we all have, that she is in my belly. He then tried to reach down my shirt and said, "get her out!" Then I said, "she is not ready to come out, she still has to stay in my belly." He thought about that for a few seconds and then replied, "Tia Ree, did you eat her?" I couldn't control myself and laughed like crazy. Apparently he didn't like that I never answered his question, because he asked again, "Tia Ree, did you eat her?" Goodness, this kid keeps me entertained!

1 comment:

Val said...

That is hilarious! I would have been in tears too. Too funny.