Friday, September 24, 2010

Quick visit to LA

Douggie was traveling this week, so I decided to invite myself along for part of the trip.

Emma was lucky enough to stay with Abuelita and Papa while we were gone.

She even packed her own bag.
She saw me packing her real overnight bag and she went and got this little bag.
She picked out her own items to put inside; a mixing bowl, a wooden spoon and of course Dr. Pepper lip gloss.

Douggie left super early in the morning.
I worked for a few hours and then joined him by taking the trains up.
Sprinter: from San Marcos to Oceanside

Amtrak: from Oceanside to LA Union station

I even treated myself to a beer and chips.
And the strange lady behind me treated me to her singing... loud singing.

Metro: From Union Station to Wilshire/Western stop

Douggie was held up at work so I decided to walk around for a bit.
Well that bit turned in to 3 hours and nearly 7 miles.
I just kept walking because some of the area was sketchy so I walked until it got nicer.
I ended up in Beverly Hills by the time he came to meet me.

Walking for 3 hours in flats = sore feet!

We met up with Madana and Matt for dinner.
Matt is off to Montana on Monday, where he will be the best Dentist Montana has ever seen!

He bought Emma a UCLA bear that plays the fight song.
He said he wanted it to remind her of him.
I bet Douggie and Emma will play with it and think of him often.

We will miss him tons and hopefully we can go visit him sometime soon!

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