Tuesday, September 7, 2010

20 Months

Our little gal is 20 months old today!
She is such a big kid now, and we are loving every minute of this age.
She is becoming such a funny little girl, and it is so much fun to watch her personality develop.

Our new outside toy is Play doh.
We are still working on actually playing with it and not eating it.

Umm, who's the big kid?!
Something about this little girl walking to the car in the morning, she looks like such a big girl.
She wouldn't turn around and smile for me. She is such an independent little girl.

Here are a few new things this month:
- She has started saying "mine" and she uses it often. Not very happy about this one

- Can name all of the Baba (YGG) characters

- She counts when unloading her toys. She counts 1...2...3...4 as she pulls out a new toy. So far just up to 4

- Loves to dance and spin around

- Can do dances she learns on TV and does them on request

- She loves to watch JuJu being silly and laughs her little head off

- LOVES raspberries, strawberries, mandarin oranges and bananas

- LOVES candy and asks for it by saying "mama" because she knows that I am a sucker and give in way more then dada

-She is such a polite girl and almost always says "peese" (please) and "gank you" (thank you)

- Brushes her teeth at least 3 times a day and loves it

- She really loves playing with mama's make up and shoes

- She has had a total of 2 time outs so far

- She still loves to cuddle and we love it

- She can reach all of the light switches and really enjoys turning them off and on.

- She is very resourceful and when she can't reach something she pushes over the cat's stool/house to step on

-Most of the time she enjoys having her picture taken and then asks to see the picture right away

- She has the best little curls and we can't wait to watch them grow

I can't say it enough, but we LOVE this little gal so much!

1 comment:

Val said...

man she's growing up fast! Getting cuter by the second, though she was pretty darn cute to start out with!