Wednesday, October 28, 2009

42 Weeks

Emma is 42 weeks today!!!

She got to celebrate by spending time with her Grandma and Grandpa Stephens who came in from Seattle. They have been visiting since Saturday evening and just left this afternoon.

She was so lucky to get to spend lots of time with them these past few days. I think she might just be their favorite Grand kid!!! Okay, so maybe she is in the front running because she is the only grand kid, but I think they are pretty smitten with her!

We had some baby pasta for dinner the other night, and I just can't resist these pictures...
Someone got a little sleepy and rubbed her dinner ALL over her face.

Such an adorable mess!

We caught a little clip of Emma working on her walking. I didn't do a great job of capturing it, but she took 3 unassisted steps tonight. Woo hoo we are getting close!

Oh and little Emma waves all the time now. She waved to me in the video and she waves almost every time she hears 'hi' and 'bye bye.'

We also played a little peek a boo with dada. She is so cute, because you can tell she gets a little startled, but still loves it.

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