Monday, September 21, 2009

Update on little sick E

We got a call from the urgent care office this afternoon and they informed us that Emma does have a urinary tract infection.
They prescribed some antibiotics for her, and she doesn't seem to mind the medicine.

I thought it was kind of odd that Emma had a UTI, because she is so young, but here are a few facts about UTIs:
About 8 percent of girls and 2 percent of boys will have at least one urinary tract infection (UTI) during childhood.
For many babies, an unexplained fever is the only symptom. About 5 percent of babies and toddlers who have a fever without other symptoms have a UTI.

In some cases, a baby may show other symptoms — with or without a fever — including:

• Crying or another indication that urination is painful
• Odd-smelling urine
• Cloudy or bloody urine (luckily this hasn't happened)
• Unexplained, persistent irritability (YUP, this was a huge giveaway that something was up).
Vomiting (happened in the doctor's office and she never spits up anymore).
• Refusal to eat
(only has been drinking her bottle and snacking on puffs, doesn't want any baby food).

Looking absolutely adorable eating some snacks and watching a little Wonder Pets.
She did pretty well today, and we are keeping our fingers crossed for a better night then the past few.

So looks like we weren't over reacting parents after all.
I hate seeing the little gal not feeling well, but we are so glad that this is all it is.


Sarah said...

Poor Emma! I'm glad you guys found out what was wrong. That is always how we knew Ethan wasn't feeling well or was teething because he was always so happy (after he was 6 weeks old when he had acid-reflux). When he was cranky we knew something was up. Always go with your gut, if you think something is wrong there is no harm in taking her to the doctor. We did the same thing with Ethan and he had the stomach flu (9 1/2 months old). It is never fun to see your happy little one so sad and upset.

Feel better soon, Emma!

Val said...

Poor Emma and Poor mom and dad! The first visit illness and trip to Urgent care is never fun. Glad she got her meds and is on the mend!

Tim and Heather said...

I am so glad that you know what is wrong and thanks for all of the stats on UTI's :o) I hope that you have a great night with her tonight.

Marie said...

Yes, I guess that this is TMI on UTIs, but I think I was just trying to comfort myself by seeing that this is not totally uncommon.

Bob said...

We always knew you were special dear emma but you didn't have to be one of tyhe 5% just to show us again!! So very glad you are feeling better.

As Sarah says: "Go with your gut" as you will usually be right!!! Good parents don't ignore child's pain!!! Way to go both of you. Emma is as lucky to have you as parents as you are to have her as a daughter!!