Monday, October 10, 2011

1st school performance

This past weekend was our annual church fiesta.
Since Emma's pre-school is at our church, her class sang for the school performance.

She only went to school for two days before this, so we weren't expecting much of a performance on her part. She did smile pretty and stand still on the stage.

Showing me her pretty pose while getting ready.

A little pre performance popcorn got her in a great mood.

You can barely see her in the back row.

Our big girl stood still, smiled pretty and didn't cry.
Most of the other kids in her class did cry at some point.

Emma's friend Ethan is in the 3 year old class, so he was on stage with her.
Ethan was a star performer and did a great job singing.

I did take some video for Douggie.
He was at a bachelor party all weekend so he had to miss the big performance.
Hopefully I can post a video soon.

1 comment:

Val said...

OH So cute! Can't wait for the video!