Thursday, July 15, 2010

Video fun

Here are some video clips from this week...

I don't know why, but something about a dog with peanut butter... hilarious!
Rodney has to have his nightly pill hidden in PB, and I laugh so hard when he eats it.

Emma and Mama were having some video time and turns out Rodney wanted in on the action.
Emma now has a Cookie Monster voice and I love it.
Every time she sees the Cookie Monster, she makes her voice.

Emma is a huge fan of bath time!
She is always so playful and happy.
She has said her 1st Spanish word... agua.
It sounds more like "wa wa" but it is a start.
Makes me realize that I am slaking on the Spanish around here, I better start introducing her to some more words.

1 comment:

Val said...

Love that she drinks her bath water too:) THe cookie monster voice is too cute! Can't wait to hear it in person!