Thursday, December 19, 2013

Elle's 18 month check up

On Monday, Elle had her 18 month check up.
Here are her stats:
Head circumference - 18.82"  86th Percentile
Weight - 26 lbs 3 oz  88th Perceentile
Height - 2'  9.5"   93rd Percentile

She did great!
Dr. McCormick said that she is very healthy and continues to grow right on track.
She is a very tall girl and she said that she has a great build for her height, not heavy, just right.

She will still have a follow up appointment with her MCAD specialist in March, but otherwise Elle is perfectly healthy.

Elle got two shots and was a little upset but she still did great.

Her little hemangioma hasn't gone away at all yet. I guess normally they start to fade by 12 months.
Dr. McCormick isn't worried, but she is giving us a referral to a dermatologist just to have it looked at.

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