Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Matt's party on top of a party

This weekend we headed up to Mike & Steph's house to celebrate with her cousin Matt.
He just turned 25 and he also graduated from college in December. His original grad party was postponed, but it was well worth the wait.

We arrived in Temecula about an hour before the party and I had the brilliant idea to do a little wine tasting to kill some time. We went to one of our favorites, Wilson Creek.
And yep, we were those parents that brought their kid with them to the winery.

Then off to the party
Mike & Taylyr

Chase & Emma
Little Chase LOVES Emma, they are so cute together.

Emma & Taylyr

And finally a picture of the Graduate/Birthday boy Matt with his Nana Flo.

Matt we are all so proud of you!

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