Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A big night around here!!!

We have slowly been working on going pee pee on the potty... very slowly.
We haven't done potty training hard core yet because someone decided that poo poo is no fun on the toilet, that is until tonight...
Tonight Emma went poo poo on the big potty and I couldn't be more proud!
I love this picture of her. She was so proud and yelling "poo poo" as I took the picture.

Still not sure if we are ready for hard core potty training, but this was a big step!
We are so proud of our poo poo going kid!


The Jacobs' Family said...

Go Emma. You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

mom, any showing her bald slit?

Anonymous said...

Could you please? Me too like little girls.

Anonymous said...
