Today Emma turned 41 weeks!
We celebrated by having a little mama and Emma play date at My Kids Clubhouse in Poway.
I had heard about it from friends and wanted to go there so that is just what we did after I got off of work. Sad to say I wasn't too impressed. Next time I think we need to go with some friends, then it might be a little more fun.
Emma sure seemed to enjoy herself, so I guess that is all that matters.

Driving the fire engine.

Building with the big soft blocks.

and playing on the bead table.
I couldn't get a picture of her looking at the camera, because she was always people watching and seeing what the other kids were up to.
After about 45 minutes I noticed a certain funk to the place... eww! Just as I was thinking it was time to go, I over heard this conversation between a boy and his mom:
Boy - Mommy, I went poo poo!
Mom - Why did you poo poo?
Boy - I had to!
Mom - Well that's too bad, because I don't have a change of clothes for you, so now you will have to stay in those clothes until it is time to leave.
That is when I realized what the FUNK was, and we immediately left. On the way to the car as I was sanitizing us, I re-traced our steps to make sure that we weren't playing on the same toys as the poo poo kid. Lucky for us he stuck to the big kids toys, so I think we were safe.
I can't believe some parents! Since when is it acceptable to have your non diaper wearing kid crap their pants and then let him to continue playing in public. Never!!!
On a more pleasant note, later we headed to Olive Garden in Carmel Mountain to meet up with dada and Jessica for dinner. Jessica is our super busy good friend who we don't see often enough anymore. We had a great dinner and Emma loved playing with Jess.
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