Sunday, March 15, 2009

What was I thinking?

So Douggie and I were cleaning up yesterday and we came across this "Santa" hat.  Doug thinks it looks more like the Pope's hat.  I bought it as a just in case hat.  That was just in case she was born before Christmas.
Makes me kinda glad she wasn't born in time to wear this ridiculous hat.  Can you imagine her 1st Christmas pictures with this dumb thing?!  Once again I ask myself, "what was I thinking?"  I guess that's what you get when you shop in the $1 section of Target.  I promise this year her Santa will be adorable.


Lewko Family Blog said...

She is so photogenic. I can't believe how cute she looks in that pope's hat. :-)

Meghan said...

I totally agree with Doug. It does look like a Pope hat.. I am sure this Christmas will be adorable ;)